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test winter comes / hip backs


Winter comes | | Daw'r Gaeaf

Winter is coming and your bike will be under attack from the worsening weather. Modern riding gear means we can keep pedalling through the cold and damp with a smile, but your bike will need a little help.

Mae gaeaf yn dod ac eich beic chi bydd dan ymosod gan ddŵr a’r tywydd drwg. Dillad beic modern bydd eich cadw chi yn sych ac yn dwym ond bydd angen ychidig o help ar eich beic.

Winter brings contact with increasing levels of exposure to moisture, dirt and grit that can rapidly accelerate wear and reduce the function of moving parts. If your bike is not properly lubricated and sealed, ingress by water and grit can cause unseen damage and deterioration to internal working parts like headset, hubs and bottom bracket.

Mae'r gaeaf daw â cyswllt gyda'r gwlyb ac oer, mwd a graean a fydd achosi traul a gwisgo ar eich beic chi. Os fyddwch chi ddim yn paratoi eich beic, gallwch chi feindio rai problemau dros y gaeaf. Bydd dŵr a baw yn achosi difrod anweledig i'ch beic ac yn dod â mwy o gostau atgyweirio yn y gwanwyn.

The good news is that a little bit of preparation and bike care can help prevent facing some large repair bills in the spring. A little time and money spent now to make sure your bike is properly prepared for winter will save you a lot of money in the long run. What is more, your bike will be in good shape and keep running smoothly over the winter, staying in better shape.

Y newyddion da yw y bydd ychydig o ofal beic nawr yn gwneud llawer o wahaniaeth a'ch helpu arbed arian yn y tymor hir. Hefyd, bydd eich beic yn rhedeg yn well dros y gaeaf, ac os eich beic yn gweithio'n dda byddwch chi’n mwynhau eich seicio yn fwy.


Email: [email protected]

OR VISIT US AT 65 North Parade Aberystwyth, SY23 2EQ

What can you do...

> Fit mudguard

> Regreasing & relubrication of essential moving components

> Replacing seals (where appropriate)

> Work to protect frame and parts from damp, dirt and road salt

> Brake safety checks

> Brake pad replacement


  Winter offers arriving 1st November | | Cynigion arbennig yn cyrraedd 1 Tachwedd


Email: [email protected]

OR VISIT US AT 65 North Parade Aberystwyth, SY23 2EQ

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